Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Review: A Bridge of Children’s Books

Title: A Bridge of Children’s Books - The Inspiring Autobiography of a Remarkable Woman
Author: Jella Lepman
Pages: 168
ISBN: 978-0862787837
Publisher: O'Brien Press; New Ed edition (August 27, 2002) – in connection with IBBY Ireland

This book is a profound insight into the thinking of a remarkable woman. It is a fascinating autobiography of Jella Lepman, who left Germany to escape the Nazis in 1930. She returns to Germany after World War 2 as "Advisor on the Cultural and Educational Needs of Women and Children". She establishes the International Youth Library in Munich, the largest and oldest collection of children's books from around the world and also founded the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), the largest international organization of children's book advocacy. The book inspired me to read about how one woman accomplished so much for children and international literature around the world. I love the way the autobiography was written and the black and white pictures add excitement to the book.

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